Connect+Convert opens the web doors of perception

connect+convertDigital agency NotOnlyButAlso has launched its first online product Connect+Convert, a tool that lets customers know which companies have been looking at their website and how to connect with them.

Named after a 1960s BBC comedy show starring the loved and departed Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, NotOnlyButAlso was founded in 2002 and has worked with clients such as the BBC, Five TV, Virgin Media and Turner Broadcasting across design and interactive channels. Continue reading

Manic Boris Johnson Google Hangout with Silicon Valley

As can be seen in the video above, Boris Johnson ‘met’ with heavyweight US tech investors via his first Google Hangout in London last week to learn about what the UK needs to do to accelerate the growth of its tech economy.

Aside from the barmy camera angle and the panellists looking as if they are broadcasting from Mars, it’s worth 15 minutes of your time. The upshot is that everybody (still) loves the right-wing Boris and that UK companies need to ‘buy British’ if they are to emulate the success of Silicon Valley.

They also told Boris that UK investors need to think long-term and acquire tech start-ups on their strategic value. Wow, that is a new one on me, why did nobody think of that before? What an excellent idea, Jesus, let’s all suck eggs.

But I won’t replicate the press release in the post, better for you to watch the video and make up your own mind. The bit about the BBC not buying enough tech companies is a particularly weird one, and you’ll also find out that Google Hangouts have a long way to go.

TEDx speakers enthuse (half of) Brighton’s digerati

There was consternation among Brighton’s digerati after the latest TEDx event pulled into town leaving more than 250 applicants without a (free) ticket to the event.

The TEDx organisers were seemingly not to blame. Ticket distribution was democratic and even if the capacity of the venue was undersized, the successful 250 applicants were broadly representative of the city and its mix of scuzzy, student, innovative and digital. Continue reading

TEDx speakers enthuse (half of) Brighton's digerati

There was consternation among Brighton’s digerati after the latest TEDx event pulled into town leaving more than 250 applicants without a (free) ticket to the event.

The TEDx organisers were seemingly not to blame. Ticket distribution was democratic and even if the capacity of the venue was undersized, the successful 250 applicants were broadly representative of the city and its mix of scuzzy, student, innovative and digital. Continue reading