Free WiFi is the peephole into stealing your content

purple_wifiThe more we travel and the more we need the internet, the more the desire to access WiFi at any public output. But this craving for connection may be the undoing of keeping personal data safe .

According to a survey by cloud-based social WiFi company Purple WiFi, 82% of 3,349 global WiFi venues believe they are legally compliant, but were actually in breach of legislation. More than 2,000 venues also confirmed that they were running completely open networks or handing, indicating the venue has no way of tracking internet access back to the user. This leaves the network open to criminal or terrorist use and such venues would be culpable. Continue reading

Heaven 17 founder goes from Temptation to a 3D Millennium Bridge

It’s been a while since Heaven 17 released their huge synth-pop record Temptation, but the band has never broken up and is playing big gigs this autumn.

Founder of the group (and The Human League for that matter) Martyn Ware isn’t just a musician though and he has joined forces with other artists to renivent Sir Norman Foster’s ‘wobbly’ London Millennium Bridge as a 3D sound system.

He is also the founder of Illustrious Company, a 3D soundscape installation company that works collaboratively with artists, museums, exhibitions, live events, dance and theatre. Continue reading