The mosque, church and synagogue are all embracing digital

This contribution is by Mike Johns, President of Digital Mind State who tweets here

In an age of smartphones, tablets, smart televisions and social media it is no surprise that the allure of technology has also touched the field of religion. Continue reading

Allah akhbar laa! God is not great! RIP Christopher Hitchens

Four years ago I went on a road-trip from Vancouver down to the Big Sur, south of San Francisco. I would like to say I was drunk the whole way and ate a bucket full of drugs in the style of one Hunter S. Thompson, but IN THE REAL WORLD I drove an RV with my wife and then four-year-old son.

It was a magical trip, we had six road traffic incidents in three weeks, I didn’t see a single speeding camera, I ripped off the roof of a pizzeria in Eugene doing a ‘short-cut’ (which was also the first time my son met a Policeman), we went to the house of the wonderful Henry Miller and we met hippies and listened constantly to Ventura Highway by the band America.

I also read Christopher Hitchens for the first time. His book God Is Not Great was being serialised in the Vancouver Sun newspaper and it completely knocked my head backwards, a bit like that girl in The Exorcist. Continue reading