It’s a Leap Year and only one prediction for 2012… look back, not forwards

It’s the little things in life that grant knowledge and the information this week from my eight-year-old son that Leap Years occur every year the Olympics take place has somehow made made my life more composed.

So, 2012 is an Olympic year and a Leap Year, and according to the Mayans it’s the year that the world will come to an end. It’s also another excuse for every so-called technology visionary to spew out their predictions for the year ahead. Continue reading

It's a Leap Year and only one prediction for 2012… look back, not forwards

It’s the little things in life that grant knowledge and the information this week from my eight-year-old son that Leap Years occur every year the Olympics take place has somehow made made my life more composed.

So, 2012 is an Olympic year and a Leap Year, and according to the Mayans it’s the year that the world will come to an end. It’s also another excuse for every so-called technology visionary to spew out their predictions for the year ahead. Continue reading

Six easy steps to set up a UK business – Part Six

So, this six-step guide to setting up your own business has come to an end and I hope it’s proved useful to those of you thinking of jumping into the entrepreneurial breach.

The feedback to date has been extremely positive and it seems there are a large number of people out there who have been deterred from setting up by themselves by the perceived lack of information out there. Thanks to all of you for your kind words. Continue reading

If I see Tom Daley again, I’ll be the one diving into the void

It’s almost a year before the Olympics are over and while it’s great that they’re coming to London and all that jazz, I’m sick of bloody sportspeople.

Yes, well done for getting up at 5am for 15 years and ‘focusing’ and ‘going forwards’, but so much time on the track or in the pool does render one a little dense. The way they talk, it’s as if they think they’re the voice of God when they sound like a wound-up doll that can only warble a few sentences, staring gimlet-eyed; terrifying. Continue reading

If I see Tom Daley again, I'll be the one diving into the void

It’s almost a year before the Olympics are over and while it’s great that they’re coming to London and all that jazz, I’m sick of bloody sportspeople.

Yes, well done for getting up at 5am for 15 years and ‘focusing’ and ‘going forwards’, but so much time on the track or in the pool does render one a little dense. The way they talk, it’s as if they think they’re the voice of God when they sound like a wound-up doll that can only warble a few sentences, staring gimlet-eyed; terrifying. Continue reading