Cold South Koreans use snack sausages as iPhone styluses in winter

It gets cold in January in Seoul and for iPhone users the weather can be a problem when trying to answer them with a pair of gloves on.

It’s even harder to answer their iPhone when they DON’T have gloves on because touchscreens apparently rely on the conductivity of the human finger to work and a freezing finger is not conductive, condusive or commensurate.

I didn’t know this until last week, but now I do… and I also know that South Koreans have beaten Frozen Finger Syndrome by reverting to the CJ snack sausage as an alternative to their fingers. A ‘digital’ solution maybe. Continue reading

DJs and musicians look beyond Facebook for Likes

* This is a guest blog by DJ, music producer and digital advertiser Tim Healey who tweets at @timhealey and whose official Facebook page is here

It came to a head on holiday about a year ago. I was confronted by my wife. I had been having an affair. A casual relationship and furtive interaction had become something sinister and all-consuming. She was right, time needed to be called. It was her and our girls… or Facebook.

She had busted me in beautiful Tegernsee, Germany, as I stood atop a sun-drenched snow-covered mountain. Instead of thinking “This is jaw-droppingly beautiful” or “Let’s make a snowman with the children”, my only thoughts were: “My Facebook fans will love this view of the valley and will generate loads of comments”. Continue reading

iPhone plays Cupid as two players get married after in-game wedding proposal

An English gamer is getting married after he proposed to his inamorata during an iOS game of 1000 Heroz.

Peter (aka mace999) had previously played the game with his girlfriend after meeting her in Thailand and contacted the developer, Red Lynx, to see if they were willing to play Cupid.

They were indeed willing, the proposal was inserted into the game and the charming Ying accepted. The deeply romantic mace999 described it as follows.

“I fell down a hole first run, and she kept hitting restart trying to get a perfect run, I was getting frustated because I wanted to see the end of the race so I finally said ‘just finish the race’. Finally she did and saw the banner”, he said.

This may or may not be the digital equivalent of getting down on my knee, but it won’t be the first time an English gamer goes to Thailand and comes back with a wife, as well we know, mace999.


Steve Jobs couldn’t light an iPad candle to Bob Dylan

The dust has settled, the iPad candles have tapered out and a-man-who-employed-more-creative-people-to-put-his-ideas-into-action has gone away; away to a most uncertain fate.

Yes, Steve Jobs is dead. He once called death a great invention. Hopefully he is still of that view, but none of us know. I searched in vain for an ironic tribute in UK magazine Private Eye, but even that esteemed organ seemed to think that was beyond them. His death seemed too holy to satirise. Continue reading

Steve Jobs couldn't light an iPad candle to Bob Dylan

The dust has settled, the iPad candles have tapered out and a-man-who-employed-more-creative-people-to-put-his-ideas-into-action has gone away; away to a most uncertain fate.

Yes, Steve Jobs is dead. He once called death a great invention. Hopefully he is still of that view, but none of us know. I searched in vain for an ironic tribute in UK magazine Private Eye, but even that esteemed organ seemed to think that was beyond them. His death seemed too holy to satirise. Continue reading