Bloody hell, I’m finally part of bloody LinkedIn

This week I officially deleted the Facebook account for this (highly successful and influential etc) blog and decided to take the professional social network LinkedIn seriously.

I’ve never liked LinkedIn, for some reason it reminds of me of a criminal record and unsuccessful job interviews so I have always treated it with contempt. I don’t use it, I don’t ask to be connected to anybody, my CV is reasonably untrue and I only say yes when somebody connects me. Continue reading

Bloody hell, I'm finally part of bloody LinkedIn

This week I officially deleted the Facebook account for this (highly successful and influential etc) blog and decided to take the professional social network LinkedIn seriously.

I’ve never liked LinkedIn, for some reason it reminds of me of a criminal record and unsuccessful job interviews so I have always treated it with contempt. I don’t use it, I don’t ask to be connected to anybody, my CV is reasonably untrue and I only say yes when somebody connects me. Continue reading

Why Klout is a flawed model

Klout inaccuracyIn the 80s and early 90s, journalists on pop magazines (myself included) were driven by who was going to be attaining what position on next week’s charts.

We would have an idea as the midweek positions came in. The current positions and the future positions helped us think about which pop stars to put on a poster, on the cover or to chase for an interview. Continue reading

2011 – the year that social networks changed my life… again

Two more hours to go and then the screens in my life will flicker and I will pull the plug on them. No more laptops in bed, no more smartphone tomfoolery and hopefully not even Absolutely Fabulous on the telly.

Furthermore no logging on to Twitter, Google +, Linkedin, Facebook and all those pesky networks such as email lists and newsletter creation. Well, that’s easy to say now as a digital year draws to a close and family beckons. Continue reading