It's easy to give up fags, much harder to forsake Twitter

On New Year’s Eve I gave up smoking after loving the weed since I was 15 years old. So twelve days ago it was the second anniversary of my having done so.

Two, er sorry, three decades of beautiful nicotine in my body, fantastic smokes after a pint, even sex, and wonderful experiences of just thinking over a cigarette.

Bonkers writer Ayn Rand once described that feeling as communing with our ancestors, the emotion similar to how a caveman, sorry caveperson, felt when holding fire. An overblown comparison maybe, but not too far off. Continue reading

It’s easy to give up fags, much harder to forsake Twitter

On New Year’s Eve I gave up smoking after loving the weed since I was 15 years old. So twelve days ago it was the second anniversary of my having done so.

Two, er sorry, three decades of beautiful nicotine in my body, fantastic smokes after a pint, even sex, and wonderful experiences of just thinking over a cigarette.

Bonkers writer Ayn Rand once described that feeling as communing with our ancestors, the emotion similar to how a caveman, sorry caveperson, felt when holding fire. An overblown comparison maybe, but not too far off. Continue reading

Mayhem, merging, mutating and maturing at the ME Awards

There were three big events in London this week, Tony Pearce and Graeme Ferguson’s Centurions networking event on Tuesday, the annual ME Awards on Wednesday and the MASSIVE LBi rave in Brick Lane the following evening.

In days gone by I would have got the train to London on Tuesday with a change of clothing in a plastic bag knowing that I would be at all three events, crashing with mates or on the floor of somebody’s hotel room… oh, and doing some work. Continue reading

Sometimes losing a mobile phone can be a very good thing

My love of the mobile phone has extended to the bathroom. Like most married men, I love to sit in there for a while with a newspaper but at other times I’m likely to be tapping my touchscreen rather than turning over pages.

The mobile phone is ubiquitous. We sleep with them, we keep them close and I’m sure most of you have taken them to the toilet as well. But I’m noting a change in my device dependence and a move towards living without them. Continue reading

Live blogging and tweeting change the face of (boring) industry events

The industry event has been a feature of business since homo erectus sold his soul to become a biped, and sometimes nothing seems to have changed since those cave days.

If you’re of a certain age you’ll know what I mean. Interminably boring, expensive, pompous, time-wasting events that are designed to pouf the egos of presenters, usually men, who should stay in the office more and keep their PowerPoints to themselves. Continue reading